Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My present

Late last week, M came home and said she had a present for me, but I had to find it. I love presents, but after looking around a bit, I didn't see anything and new it was pointless to hound her. I decided to be excited when I DID find it.

I didn't make it out to DGE until Sunday, and even then it took me a few minutes to find my "present." Not a traditional present, but a welcome one nevertheless.
What's under the 'wrapping'?       

The backside wrapping. Note the hose bottom left

Is that what I think it might be?

YAY! "Indoor" plumbing!

Yes! A toilet (hooked up to water supply by hose!) which is not permanent, and it's only semi-private, but it beats the bushes in the backyard!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday Night Dinner

So the progress on the house has slowed again as we have had a bunch of other stuff vying for our attention. And it's been hot. Apparently this is the coolest summer on record for the last 50 years, yet even at 90 in the afternoon, it's, well, a hot heat. And hard to be motivated to want to work in it.

So instead of new photos of the house itself, I offer you a photos of my lovely Friday night dinner.

 Corn, spinach, sweet white onion, squash, sungold tomatoes and farm fresh egg. YUM! I wish I could say the whole thing was from my garden, but it was only the tomatoes and the squash. I'd love to have a couple chickens for eggs, but don't trust Hairy (cat) and Willie (dog) to live peacefully with them!

Tomorrow I'll reveal my new present at the house that I recently received and found on Saturday!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Open house open house

A couple weeks ago, we had our first party at DGE. We called it an Open House Open House, since our house is still "open." It was family and a couple friends, and we had a lot of fun. It was a warm but not hot Friday evening, and we served wine, beer and a light dinner (Chicken and Peach Salad with Goat Cheese, Tomato Feta Tart and Rocky Road Bars). We "toured" our house (took oh, about 5 minutes) and then noshed in the shade of the veggie garden. I hope it's the first of MANY fun gatherings we have at the new house.

Our progress has slowed some as we've had a lot of other stuff going on in life. But here are photos, taken a couple weeks ago, that show the house (mostly interior) as it is today. Next up is Roofing, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Siding, then all the interior stuff. It's going to be awhile . . .

Front of house with most of sheeting up

In the master bedroom, looking toward street

Does this look like a good size for the shower?

Yay! No more ladder to get to the 2nd floor!
"Bonus" area, someday to be craft room

It really feels great to be able to walk around the rooms and feel like we did ok with the design and layout, and try to imagine what it will feel like to live here. I'm one lucky girl.