Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Moving day

Today's moving day. The truck arrives in about an hour.
We're hoping to leave by early afternoon and make it to Virginia tonight. Would like to see the ponies at Chinquateague and Assateague (sp?) and the beaches. We'll see.

I had hoped to post more photos, but I'm being thwarted in my effort to buy a camera. Hope to find one today.

Goodbye New Jersey. Goodbye East Coast!


  1. Hello Travelers,
    You should already be on the road by now. Hope the Stuarts have a window seat. Please make sure to post more about the ponies -- we people from the brave old world have never heard of them.
    kjog & better half & kids

  2. Have fun on your wonderful adventure. I'm so jealous. I want to go across country too.

  3. I saw those ponies 18 years ago; I hope you'll see them too. I will follow your adventure whenever I can...and I'll let you know when we play the lottery (:
    ...this is Brigitte from the knitting circle.
