No knitting photos (though just about to finish up a couple more projects) but instead, I think I'll start showing a few house/garden/building projects. This house was originally bought as an investment/flip back in late December, but after 8 months of looking to buy, renovating it seems like the best option for us (nice location, 1/2 acre, we can get what we want). Walls still need to come down before new ones can go up, but we have a vision and are excited. And there's a hope of hosting Thanksgiving, even if we're not 100% complete.
These two are from January shortly after we bought the house. It's pretty scary. And skeevy (see that stained carpet in the second photo--don't ask). But we're working on that. This was before anything was demo'ed. We've already made a lot of progress (but I'll post that another day).
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