Sunday, December 30, 2012

Absence, or What Haven't I Had?

Soooo, several weeks have passed, and I've spent very little time at DG. First it was because M was still finishing trim, and it wasn't ready for taping, then I got caught up in Christmas baking (and looking for work), and then I got a cold. A mild one, but still. Then I noticed a pain under my right thumbnail. You know, like when you accidentally shove something under there, and then you keep bumping it? Don't remember what started it but after an afternoon where I made Fleur de Sel Caramels (Barefoot Contessa recipe--a success!) and got some salt in there, and then banged it again, hard, it started swelling and throbbing. Woke me up in the night. (this was about 11 days ago). So off to the Dr. who prescribed antibiotics. 2 days later, it was still really bothering me, so off to the urgent care, where they scared me about MRSA and threatened IV antibiotics (seriously?). In the end, they doubled my dose of antibiotics, and sent me on my way.

I felt ok for the next few days, then after our 3rd Christmas (on the 26th, with M's family) I came home with a terrible headache. I woke up feeling like I had the flu. Weathered it for a day and then went back to the Dr. Long story short (or at least, less long), it's either flu or a flu-like virus. All I know is that I've felt crappy, and have had such swollen glands it hurts to put my head on a pillow, and you can see the glands protrude. GROSS! Oh yeah, and I get a flu shot every year. This year included.

I'm finally starting to feel like I might live (though now I have what I think is an antibiotic-induced rash that's prickly and itchy). Though she's spent a lot of the last 2 weeks taking care of me, M has still managed to do some good work at the house: today she worked on cabinetry for the laundry room, yesterday cased out the windows between the bedrooms, and transformed the garage from a wood shop (think sawdust everywhere) back to a tidy garage. I'm hoping that in the next couple days I can get back in the groove and get to work. If not at a paying job (still working on that) then at least at the house. We both feel like moving in is so imminent, and yet there are so so so many things still to finish.

Next up: I have photos of the kitchen! With cabinets! And, yes, with counters (love!)

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