In the meantime we've been working. On . . .well, everything. Too much to show in one post, so I'll focus today on trim finishing. Here's the beam that spans the living room and kitchen.
With preliminary "wrap."
Testing out trim sizes and shapes.
Now completely wrapped, but still not with all finish trim. (note: this is just primed trim, not final painted.)
The pillar cased in. Looking pretty
Another view.
And upstairs, more trim going on. Here are a few shots from the "loft" area at the top of the stairs (it's not really a loft, hence the quotes. We're not really sure what to call it).
In progress
A close up of the trim in progress. M doesn't really have a pattern she follows, rather she tries to envision it and then plays around with it. Often she gives me several options to choose from. Luckily, we often chose the same option. I'm amazed at her ability to figure this stuff out without a pattern to follow!
Still in progress. Note that the stair skirts are in place. The stairs themselves, however are still waiting for their wood to be installed.
We're definitely getting close. Next up: photos of our appliances (delivered but not installed), my electrical work, and our deck railing progress.
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