Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Inspection passed!

The footing inspection was a success yesterday! That leaves us with only the final inspection left--of course, it's not going to happen right away, but it's nice to know that there's only one left to schedule.

I visited the holes yesterday after work. Nothing exciting there, but while I was working away at my day job, M had built us a new fence. We think we should win the award for most eclectic fence in the neighborhood.

You may call it temporary, though M prefers to call it "Mock Up." We've had the house property for almost 3 years and it's been a completely fenced yard with a large gate across the driveway. The street is a dead end right where our house is, and so it means a lot of U turns, and also since our neighbors across the street park in front of their house (and have recently added some gravel to their side of the street to minimize the wet-weather mud), we've been wanting to more easily park in our driveway. The gate made it unappealing and a pain. But we needed fencing to keep Willie in the yard.

We have plans to install a more permanent fence in this general area, with a couple gates down the road, but for right now, we can access the driveway easily, and still have a fenced yard for Doggie! Yes, it's a bit unsightly but so far it works for a temporary measure. AND this means our decking can be easily delivered into our driveway! More on that in the next couple days. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so work will probably shift back inside for at least a day.

Here's a shot of about 75% of the fence (there's more white picket to the left of the gates out of the photo) It's "eclectic" don'tcha think?

OH YAH! Good news, we ordered our kitchen sink this morning, so we're one step closer to ordering the counters!

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