Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's uncanny . . .

. . . The way that after nearly a month exactly has gone by, I get that inner nudge to come on over and write a post. And then am shocked it's been another 4 weeks!

We spent almost a week in NYC in late April, a fabulous trip. Then I've done some travel for work, and tile jobs have now been completed.

So, have we made progress on the house? Yes and no. The electrical is still nearly finished, and we're close to insulation and sheetrock. At least we're trying to get insulation installed by the end of this month as soon as we can. Every time I put a deadline on it, it seems even more elusive, so I just hope for the best (and if you ever worked with me, you'll know how difficult this is for my project-planning mind!)

We have, however, moved the work outside and made great strides in the yard. We've installed over 70 Dahlia tubers in what's now being called "M's Dahlia Farm" and we've planted a mini orchard. M's spent many hours on irrigation to both of those + my refurbished veggie garden, and we're just about finished with drip lines and emitters. Oh the joy (and may I say thank goodness for the tractor!) Last summer much of the veg watering was by hand, so this will be a godsend, especially since it's still a 10 minute drive between where we live and where we will live. I know it doesn't sound like much, but after a long day at work, it's hard sometimes to get excited about driving to the new house to drag a hose around.

I've got about 1/2 of my tomatoes in (varieties and counts later) and still have peppers, squash and a few other things to plant. My sugar snap peas are producing like crazy! And the volunteer sweet peas are wafting their sweet scent--it's a nice place to be weeding!

Ok, hope to be back before another month goes by. Stay tuned!

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