Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thoughts on Kansas

Kansas is a large state. It's somewhat flat, very brown and dry. Even the "big" towns seem sleepy. The hotels here seem to (for some unfathomable reason) be among the most expensive. Strange.

We left KC yesterday afternoon, and drove straight through to Hayes, KS, over half way through the width of Kansas. Had dinner in a cute brew pub last night (the ONLY game in town). The weather yesterday was lovely--above 70, and sunny. Wide open blue skies. Looks like more of the same today--perhaps up to 80. There's a Walmart across the street from the hotel, and I'm thinking we'll stop in before leaving. I have so many cold weather clothes with me, but nearly none for warmer weather. Would like to supplement what I've got if they have something cheap and attractive. Would prefer Target, but those have been few and far between.

As a treat for breaking up the driving, I started a new knitting project yesterday--a bear for the Mother Bear Project: I know I'll miss the Lake Street Irregulars deadline (tomorrow?) but I needed a change and it's a quick knit.

Today we're heading for Colorado. May try to go skiing again (tomorrow?) weather permitting. May spend a couple nights in Colorado--I've never been there (except to the Denver airport) and would like to get to see more than the highways.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very impressed with all the posting you doing. I can't keep up. I just book my flight to CA. Will be in Elk Grove 6/1 to 6/5. If you are around the area and can get together, email me.
