Monday, March 18, 2013

Back in black

Ok, not an AC/DC reference, but a reference to M's back, which is still in a terrible way. Also, though, a reference to my new employment gig.

I start my new job on the 27th, and make a trip to NJ on the 31st. So kinda back. In black. Yah, I know it's not exactly the correct reference. Whatever.

We've tried to work, and I do have some photos to show of the vanity we've been constructing for the guest bathroom. Plus today we did some plumbing (very cool, one of my favorite jobs so far) though it was not a good level, angle, or job for M to be involved with.

I promise to be back with photos soon. But I need to find a way to convince M to take a few more days off to heal her back. It's so hard to lie around, and so frustrating to everyone, but it's important.

Meanwhile, I'm assessing my work wardrobe, and hoping that my new (consulting) gig will afford me the opportunity to get to see all my east coast peeps in the upcoming weeks, as it seems I will be making multiple trips to my old stomping grounds. If you are there in earshot of NJ, send me an email at and let's coordinate! : )

1 comment:

  1. If you are near Piscataway, let me know. Come by for dinner at the restaurant. Would love to see you.
